Wave Fins?

With all of these Muti-fin boards available on the market it can be tricky to know how to set your fin position or fin size, both of which can have a big influence on your boards performance. With the introduction of Power and tuttle box, most people don’t need to change the fin position until their first wave board. It is then very easy just to whack the fin in the middle and not really tune the position to suit you.

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Slalom Comfort Tips

Discover the hidden potential of your slalom equipment with 10 easy and practical golden rules!

Below are listed some of the most classical issues when sailing with slalom gear. Often this more technical gear does not allow us to feel comfortable and relaxed when surfing. Therefore we are now going to give you the answers to the most common problems. Give priority to modifying the trim of the gear, starting with the first solution given. If this does not work, continue to the second listed advice and so on…

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Sweet 2G Girl’s Passion

Time to go for the new Sweet!

This is what is missing in Windsufing, and this is what we are bringing. The Sweet is the first introduction of what we will be the future of more products for our Sweet side of windsurfing. It’s not made for girls but for windsurfing girls who know what they want, look for freedom and show their tough side!

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Footstraps sizing

Footstrap setting is crucial, and varies considerably between a freeride, slalom or wave board set up … and yet it is still overlooked by a great many people. Firstly, for wave sailing, it is very important to have the straps set in-board. Secondly one of the biggest improvements in my wave sailing came from making my straps bigger; it still amazes me now when I go on other people’s equipment how small they tend to have their straps. I really struggle to gybe the board, let alone being able to bottom turn properly. Lets see what I mean:

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Pushing the limits

The other day, there was a group of guys who could not believe Greta being on a 5.6 slalom sail in almost 40 knots and over 3m swell. They were feeling heros to go out on their 3.6 sails. Greta was out there sailing with the boys who were super overpowered on 6.3s. As she got to beach after some training, she took out her 3.6wave sail, same size as the guys, and went smacking the waves. The same group of guys were thinking to change sport! She was forward looping, back looping going on radical top turns… What we think? We think Greta should go for the PWA Wave Tour aswell. Let’s cheer her up to do it!

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